CSIRO is not Ford

April 16, 2014Opinion

Have you ever considered which industries will sustain this country when the once in a life time mining boom passes? What are we good at what, what will win?
Thriving Industries provide growth and jobs; innovation and technology drives industries, smart creative minds drive technology.
Recently there has been a lot of speculation about the CSIRO being targeted for major cuts to its operating budget; are we just putting up the white flag and saying it’s all too hard?
Research Institutions should be seen as the starting point or foundation of new industries. Imagine if our research institutions were seen as the future and were adequately funded; imagine if all of the IP generated was freely available to Australian companies?
Currently, we subsidise many industries that cannot survive, let’s not do our best to kill off those of the future. Unfortunately, our strategies are targeted at cost reduction rather than the more sustainable (difficult) approach of building industries that will generate future revenue and jobs.
We need to see the plan!

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Sustainable Competitive Advantage for Australian Farmers

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